Front matter

01 T.D. Davies, M. Tranter. Studies of snow chemistry in the Scottish Highlands.

02 K. Suzuki. Chemical studies of snow in Japan.

03 J. Dozier, R.C. Bales. Recent snow-property research in the western U.S.

04 C. Wake. The influence of summertime precipitation events on meltwater production in the Karakoram, northern Pakistan.

05 V. Delmas. Fonte printaniere sur un site alpin influence des poussières minérales.

06 N.E. Peters, C.T. Driscoll. Temporal variations in solute concentrations of meltwater and forest floor leachate at a forested site in the Adirondacks, New York.

07 B. Goodison. Intercomparison of methods for solid precipitation measurement: implications for global change studies.

08 L.A. Barrie. Snow and Arctic air chemistry.

09 A.K. Abdel-Zaher, K.S. Davar, J.L. Dawe. The initiation of premature breakup of river ice cover: Existing methodologies and approaches to integral analysis.

10 D.M. Nazarenko. High frequency dynamic response of the Canadian east coast seasonal sea ice zone.

11 A. Giguère. Comparison of measurements of snowfall by radar using an S-band and an X-band transmitter.

12 J. Podzimek. Origin and peculiarities of columnar type crystals in the atmosphere.

13 R.E. Bates, S. Gerard. Snow-surface temperature analysis.

14 P.Y. Bernier, G.C. Edwards. Differences between air and snow surface temperatures during snow evaporation.

15 R.A. Sommerfeld, J. Rocchio. The Darcy permeability of fine-grained compact snow.

16 M.G. Ferrick, K.J. Claffey, J.A. Richter-Menge. Vector analysis of ice petrographic data.

17 T.D. Prowse, S. Beltaos, B.C. Burrell, P. Tang, J. Dublin. Ice breakup of the Nashwaak River, New Brunswick.

18 G.B. Crocker. The influence of snowcover on the growth of Antarctic fast ice.

19 A.D. Hewitt, J.H. Cragin, S.C. Colbeck. Does snow have ion chromatographic properties?

20 D.T. Desrochers. Snow and ground thermal regimes in a subarctic woodland.

21 M. Ouellet, P. Pagé, M. Bouchard, M. Bisson, C. Delisle. Chimie des eaux ultra-oligotrophes du Lac du Cratère du Nouveau-Québec.

22 R.W. Hoham, C.P. Yatsko, L. Germain, H.G. Jones. Recent discoveries of snow algae in upstate New York and Québec province and preliminary reports on related snow chemistry.

23 A.W. Hogan. Application of aerosol physics to snow research.

24 T.W. Schmidlin. Assessment of NWS surface-measured snow water equivalent data based on remotely-sensed data in the northern plains.

25 R.S. Prasad, A. Singh. Snowmelt runoff studies in Upper Yamuna basin.

26 E. Robertson, P.J. Barry. Chemistry of snow peak accumulation and melt in a deciduous forest.

27 B.R. Taylor. Litter decomposition beneath deep snow in temperate climates.

28 A.N.D. Auclair. The variability of snowcover as a factor in forest decline.

29 G.L. Wooldridge, R.A. Sommerfeld, R.C. Musselman. Tree morphology as an estimator of average snow depth.

30 T.D. Prowse, M.N. Demuth. Failure modes observed during river ice breakup.

31 M.N. Demuth, T.D. Prowse. A hydraulically actuated test frame for the field determination of ice flexural properties.

32 D.L. Hutt. Optical effects in falling snow.

33 A. Giguère. Utilisation alternée de deux émetteurs differents dans l’observation par radar de précipitations mixtes.

34 F. Padilla, J.-P. Villeneuve. Simulation des effets du gel sur le comportement des chaussées soumises aux sels deglaçants.

35 J. Bouchard. Bilan technique du système d’enneigement artificiel du Mont-Sainte-Anne.

36 J.M. Buttle, K. Sami. Snowpack water losses during melt in a deciduous forest: A comparison of lysimetric and snow course estimates.

37 M. Bernier, H. Granberg, A. Royer, J.-P. Fortin. Analyse de l’albédo de la neige, estime par le thematic mapper de Landsat-5.

38 R.G. Semkin, D.S. Jeffries, R. Neureuther, M.D. Seymour. Major ion chemistry of the pre-melt snowpack, Turkey Lakes watershed, 1980-1988.

39 B.B. Murphey, D. Wolfe, A. Hogan. Chemical migration in snowpack.

40 T. Heacock, J. Lewis. A review of microwave remote sensing of snow.

41 W.H. Pollard. Buried snowbank ice in the central and northern Yukon Territory.

42 J. Roberge, G. Jones. Sub-ice springmelt water circulation in a small lake.

43 P. Adams. Field stations in Arctic and Subarctic Canada.

44 W.P. Adams, P.T. Doran, M. Ecclestone, C.M. Kingbury, C.J. Allan. Observations of a rare second year, lake ice cover in the Canadian High Arctic.

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