Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presenters

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations are scheduled for a total of no more than 15 minutes each. The presenter should wrap up their presentation within the first 12 minutes and allow time (2 to 3 minutes) for questions as well as some time to switch over to the next presenter. Presentations need to be in either PowerPoint or PDF format and saved to a flash drive to be loaded onto the designated presentation computer before the beginning of the session. Please name the presentation with the presenter’s name so that the session chair can easily find it. Using a computer other than the designated presentation computer will not be allowed.

Poster Presentations

The maximum size for posters is 48 inches by 36 inches (122 cm x 92 cm). Supplies to hang the posters (e.g. tacks) will be provided. Presenters are expected to be near their posters during designated poster sessions. Posters will be on view throughout the conference. Posters not removed following the last session will be recycled.