Front matter
01 D.M. Ludlum. The blizzard of ‘88 in historical perspective.
02 R.B. Sykes Jr. Lake effect snow situations: Anabatic; anachorisms; anachronisms; and/or anomalisms.
03 G.P. Byrd, R.S. Weinbeck, A.A. Anstett. Probing lake-effect snowbands using a portable radiosonde unit.
04 M.S. Pelto. The annual balance and climatic sensitivity of North Cascade, Washington glaciers.
05 J. Cohen. The effect of snow cover on the climate.
06 D.E. Petzold, T. Mulhern. Vegetation-snow depth relationships in the boreal forest-tundra ecotone of eastern Canada.
07 D.A. Robinson. Construction of a United States historical snow data base.
08 C. Wels, R.J. Cornett, B.D. LaZerte, P.J. Dillon. Changes in stream chemistry during snowmelt runoff in two headwater catchments.
09 E.W. Molesky Jr. Use of surrogate snow samples to measure dry deposition on snowpacks in forests.
10 R.V. Malhotra, H.L. McKim, R. Rangachari. Snow hydrology in the Upper Yamuna basin, India.
11 R. Shibatani, C.H. Taylor. Snowmelt runoff processes in a small Precambrian watershed.
12 W. Bauwens. Snowmelt models with different degrees of complexity applied to shallow and short-living snowpacks in lowland basins.
13 A. Rango, J. Martinec. Results from international intercomparisons of snowmelt runoff model performance.
14 S.C. Bigras. Ice jamming characteristics of the Mackenzie delta, N.W.T.
15 C.F. Ho, H.T. Shen. A free drift model for river ice cover formation.
16 J.R. Kelley. Solutions to improve ice and snow control management on road, bridge, and runway surfaces.
17 M.J. Soligo, F.H. Theakston, E. Brundrett, P. Kankainen. Automation of a water flume using microcomputer based data acquisition for snow and wind engineering.
18 D.A. Carr. Snowpack modelling using daily climatological data.
19 M.N. Demuth, T.D. Prowse. In situ testing of river-ice strength using a hydraulic borehole jack.
20 M.F. Baumgartner, K. Seidel. Multisensor snow cover mapping and snowmelt runoff simulations.
21 D.K. Hall, K.J. Bayr, W.M. Kovalick. Determination of glacier mass balance change using thematic mapper data.
22 R.B. Sykes Jr. Lake effect snowfalls - an update.
23 J.D. Rowland, R.D. Moore. Modelling solar irradiance on a slope under a leafless deciduous forest during snowmelt.
Results of the Snow Survey Schedule Committee questionnaire
Sno-Foo Award