01 D.A. Taylor. Snow loads on two-level flat roofs.
02 M.J. O’Rourke, R.S. Speck. Drift snow loads on multilevel roofs.
03 R.L. Sack, G.G. Burke, K.J. Penningroth. Automated data acquisition for structural snow loads.
04 M.J. Newark. A new look at ground snow loads in Canada.
05 B. Ellingwood. Probabilistic models for ground snow accumulation.
06 R.L. Sack, A. Sheikh-Taheri. Ground snow loads for Idaho.
12 H.G. Jones. The influence of boreal forest cover on the chemical composition of snowcover.
13 C.M. Kingsbury, D.C. Pierson, W.P. Adams. Chemistry of a temperate pond’s decaying winter cover.
14 J. Campbell, W.P. Adams. Effects of snow and ice on wetland water chemistry.
15 A.T. Roberts, P. Adams. Observations of chlorophylls in High Arctic sea ice in winter.
18 R. Doyle, M. Arockiasamy. Bergy-bit motion due to wind, wave, current and Coriolis forces.
19 R.V. Allen, C.R. Barnes. Spatial and temporal snowcover distribution in New York state.
21 H.J. Greenan, E.A. Anderson. A snowmelt lysimeter for research applications.
22 B.E. Goodison, J.R. Metcalfe. Design, instrumentation and operation of a snowmelt runoff plot.
23 H.B. Granberg, C.M. Kingsbury. Tests of new snow density samplers.