01 A. Coulson, G.M. MacNabb. Time trends in spring runoff from the Ottawa River basin.
02 B. Blanchard, S. Miller. Snow and Vermont’s highway system.
03 G.P. Williams, L.W. Gold. The use of dust to advance the break-up of ice on lakes and rivers.
05 F.I. Morton. Criteria for the stability of ice covers in rivers.
06 B. Michel. Theory of formation and deposit of frazil ice.
07 M.L. Johnson. A comparison of snowmelt hydrographs.
08 C.D. Hopkins, Jr. Water supply forecast verifications for the Kennebec River.
10 R.T. Beaumont, R.A. Work. Snow sampling results with differing snow samplers.
12 N. Lally. Snow survey record - the need for long term records for flood regulation.
13 O. Tenenbaum. Blowing snow - an unsuspected danger.
14 R.W. Popham. Progress report on snow and ice observations from TIROS satellites.