Front matter

01 T.J. Henderson. Western Snow Conference - The first fifty years.

02 L. Lansing. Reminiscences of Eastern Snow Conferences.

03 D.A. Daugharty, R.B.B. Dickison. Snow cover distribution in forested and deforested landscapes in New Brunswick, Canada.

04 M.B. Baker Jr. Influence of clearing Ponderosa pine on timing of snowmelt runoff.

05 J. Christner, R.D. Harr. Peak streamflows from the transient snow zone, western Cascades, Oregon.

06 R.C. Kattelmann. Water yield improvement in the Sierra Nevada snow zone: 1912-1982.

07 W.P. Adams. Spatial variability of snow and ice on lakes and a strategy for measurement based on three years’ data from Elizabeth Lake, Labrador.

08 M.-K. Woo. Snow hydrology of the High Arctic.

09 C.A. Troendle. The effects of small clearcuts on water yield from the Deadhorse watershed, Fraser, Colorado.

10 A.R. Eschner. Eastern snowpack conditions - characteristics and significance.

11 G.R. Scharfen, M.R. Anderson. Climatic applications of a satellite snow/cloud discrimination sensor.

12 R.A. Schmidt, R.D. Tabler, R.L. Jairell. A new device for sampling mass flux of blowing snow.

13 J.D. Iversen. Development of small-scale snowdrift simulation.

14 P.E. Farnes, N.R. Peterson, B.E. Goodison, R.P. Richards. Metrication of manual snow sampling equipment.

15 J.K. Marron, R.T. Davis. Event reporting on Mount Saint Helens SNOTEL, flexibility for the future.

16 R.D. Tabler. Frequency distribution of annual peak water-equivalent on Wyoming snow courses.

17 D.D. Speers, J.D. Versteeg. Runoff forecasting for reservoir operations - the past and the future.

18 D.F. Potts. Streamflow regionalization in western Montana.

19 B.A. Shafer, L.E. Dezman. Development of a surface water supply index (SWSI) to assess the severity of drought conditions in snowpack runoff areas.

20 J.A. Kleppe, L.G. Yori. Remote data acquisition using random mode sub-telemetry systems.

21 N.H. Berg. Layer and crust development in a central Sierra Nevada snowpack: Some preliminary observations.

22 W.P. Adams, D.C. Lasenby. Lake ice growth and conductivity.

23 N. Strickland. Factors affecting temporal variations in the albedo of snowcover.

24 A.L. Huber, D.C. Robertson. Regression models in water supply forecasting.

25 B.E. Goodison, J.R. Metcalfe. Canadian snow gauge experiment recent results.

26 K.F. Dewey, R. Heim Jr. A new data base: A digital archive of northern hemisphere snow cover.

27 T.R. Carroll, W.K. Jones. Error assessment of airborne snow water equivalent measurements.

28 A.T.C. Chang, A. Rango. Remote sensing applications in snow hydrology - past, present and future.

29 J. Foster, J. Ormsby, A. Rango. Northern hemisphere snow cover conditions during the winter of 1982.

30 M. Molnau, C.C. Warnick. A history of snow research at the University of Idaho.

31 R.H. Swanson, D.L. Golding. Snowpack management on Marmot watershed to increase late season streamflow.

32 W.A. Lang. Recollections of an old timer.