Front matter

01 L.D. Pierce. An analysis of long term snow cover record as related to hydro-electric operation.

02 I. Bennett. Glaze storms and their economic effects.

03 D.W. Boyd, L.W. Gold, G.P. Williams. Radiation balance at Ottawa during the snow-melt period.

04 W.E. Reifsnyder, G.M. Furnival. Serial correlation of monthly snowfall in New England.

05 G.O. Villeneuve. Official snow bulletins of the Province of Quebec.

06 G.R. Pyper. A progress report on radioactive snow gage use.

07 C.D. Lord. The technical aspects of the ski operation.

08 H.W. Lull, F.M. Rushmore. Influence of forest cover on snow and frost in the Adirondacks.

09 F.P. Ostby, Jr. Prediction of east coast cyclone by statistical methods.

10 J.P. Bruce. Snowmelt contributions to maximum floods.

11 W.B. Cuthbertson, R.B.B. Dickison. Snowmelt and rainfall floods, Saint John River basin, May, 1961.

13 W.F. Megahan, D.R. Satterlund. Winter infiltration studies on abandoned and reforested fields in central New York.

14 J.E. McCall. Planning advanced stream-gaging programs.

15 A.L. Washburn. Instrumental observations of frost creep and solifluction in a permafrost environment.

16 J.V. Arpin. The snow problem in Montreal.

17 J.G. Willmot. A safe ice load meter and a motor-driven coring tool for estimating the bearing capacity of an ice sheet for transportation purposes.

18 J.R. Hicks, S.J. Bolsenga. The design and installation of fences for control of snow drifting.

Research Committee Report