Front matter

01 F. Lenormand, C.R. Duguay. The relation between air temperature and freeze-up/break-up dates on lakes across northern Canada.

02 K.R. Turchenek, J.M. Piwowar, C. Derksen. The impact of patchy snow cover on snow water equivalent estimates derived from passive microwave brightness temperatures over a prairie environment.

03 G.A. Riggs, N.DiGirolamo, D.K. Hall. Comparison of MODIS daily global fractional snow cover maps at 0.05- and 0.25-degree resolutions.

04 D.K. Hall, B.A. Giffen, J.Y.L. Chien. Changes in the Harding Icefield and the Grewingk-Yalik glacier complex.

05 P. Toose, C. Derksen, A. Walker, E. LeDrew. Investigating relationships between land-cover, forest structure, and in-situ and airborne passive microwave snow water equivalent in a boreal forest environment.

06 A.C. Mitchell, G.H. Brown, R. Fuge. Are minor and trace elements useful indicators of chemical weathering processes and flow-routing in subglacial hydrological systems?

07 K.L. Young, A. Abnizova. High Arctic ponds, Somerset Island, Nunavut: Spatial and temporal variation in snowcover and snowmelt.

08 J.M. Buttle, C.J. Oswald, D.T. Woods. Hydrologic recovery of snow accumulation and melt following harvesting in northeastern Ontario.

09 R.J. Granger, R. Essery, J.W. Pomeroy. Boundary layer growth over snow and soil patches: Field observations.

10 T.E. Redding, K.J. Devito. Snowmelt infiltration and runoff from forested hillslopes, Boreal Plain, Alberta.

11 D. Bewley, J.W. Pomeroy, R.L.H. Essery. Processes of solar radiation transfer through a sub-arctic shrub canopy.

12 W.D. Helgason, J.W. Pomeroy. Uncertainties in estimating turbulent fluxes to melting snow in a mountain clearing.

13 O. Seidou, V. Fortin, A. St.-Hilaire, A.-C. Favre, S. El Adlouni, B. Bobée. Estimating the snow water equivalent on the Gatineau catchment using heirarchical Bayesian modelling.

14 S.R. Fassnacht, J.S. Deems. Scaling associated with averaging and resampling of LiDAR-derived montane snow depth data.

15 D.R. Peddle, N.J. Rabe, S.A. Soenen, D.L. Johnson. Derivation of topoclimatic indices for alpine snowpack analysis in Alberta Rocky Mounain watersheds.

16 F. Campbell, P. Nienow, R. Purves. Role of a supraglacial snowpack in mediating the delivery of meltwater to the glacier system: Implications for glacier dynamics?

17 M.S. Pelto. The current disequilibrium of North Cascade glaciers.

18 C. Duguay, J. Green, C. Derksen, M. English, A. Rees, M. Sturm, A. Walker. Preliminary assessment of the impact of lakes on passive microwave snow retrieval algorithms in the Arctic.

19 A. Rees, M. English, C. Derksen, A. Walker. Assessing snowpack water equivalent distribution in an open tundra environment using various scales of passive microwave data.

20 J.W. Pomeroy, D.S. Bewley, R.L.H. Essery, N.R. Hedstrom, T. Link, R.J. Granger, J.E. Sicart, C.R. Ellis, J.R. Janowicz. Shrub tundra snowmelt.

21 C. Mielko, M.-K. Woo. Snowmelt runoff processes in headwater lake catchment, subarctic Canadian Shield.

22 B. Perry, C.E. Konrad. The influence of the Great Lakes on snowfall patterns in the southern Appalachians.

23 N. Petkova, R. Brown, E. Koleva, V. Alexandrov. Snow cover changes in Bulgarian mountainous regions, 1931-2000.

24 T.G. Huntington. The density of falling snow in New England, 1949-2001.

25 K.I. Simon, P.A. Taylor, M. Gordon. Wind stress functions for blowing snow initiation and transport, in vegetated grids.

26 T. Meyer, Y.D. Lei, F. Wania. The fate of organic contaminants in melting snow.

Sno-Foo Award